Tuesday, May 13, 2008


As you can tell, I think we are running amok. Being a Baby Boomer, I have seen a lot of change in south Florida, not as much as my grandmother who went from horse and buggy days to the atomic bomb and NASA.
What I have seen is that you can hardly buy any electronic gadgets without having to program them, and with each gadget, memorize a new system of operation. Things are getting too complicated. Perhaps it's my age or perhaps I would just like to see things slow down. Young people do not know how to stop and smell the roses. All they seem to care about is what is the latest MP3 player, newest computer game, how many chat rooms they can be signed into at the same time. Rudeness in chat rooms is running rampant. There are so many beautiful things in life that I feel not only young people, but adults are missing out on them. Simple meditation, sitting and looking at the ocean, enjoying puttering around in the yard, listening to good music, playing with a dog who adores you. Where are we going with all this technology? Sometimes I think it is more work than it is worth.

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