Thursday, June 5, 2008


I am hoping this works. Have you ever thought about creating your own WHO? Got some time on your hands? If you are a Dr. Seus lover, you're going to enjoy this. My 27 year old daughter saw me playing around on the generator site and decided to create her own WHO.

You want to know my experience with image generators. Well, after about 6 hours of more, at home, I finally got to copy an image into my blog. It was a lot of wasted time, as I don't care about image generating, but because I am determined to finish the 23 Things lessons, this is time I must waste. Anyway, have a happy 4th of July.

Library Thing is pretty cool. I can see a lot of people being interested in it. I can see that it could be very useful for libraries and librarians to share info about books, authors, and selections for book clubs. I think that patrons would react very positively about such sites created to inform them about reading choices.


Hi y'all,
RSS feeds, at this time, I'm not particularily interested in. As you all know, I am not one who spends a lot of time of the internet. I do think that this would be a good way to save updated web sites on a topic I am interest in. Of course, I can just add something to my favorites list and create a folder for all the web sites. Am I missing the point of this exercise? As I said, I don't spend a lot of time on the internet. I occassionally look up topics I am interested in or want to know more about and that's about it. As far as using this in my job, I can't seem to see a connection. Let me know if you have any suggestions for how it can be used in circulation.